Hello David,

> On Apr 17, 2015, at 2:53 AM, Super-User <david...@qq.com> wrote:
> Recently, I have tried to implement a small subset of Jianpu on Lilypond, in 
> ugly programming style, as attached in this email. I would like to hear more 
> from the Lilypond community about how to implement the Jianpu support better.

In the attached file is a start on a more automated way to do it.  It uses a 
custom note head engraver and custom rest engraver (written in Scheme) to 
automatically alter the note head and rest stencils.  By going further in this 
direction it would be possible to also add the dots and lines (that indicate 
octave and duration) to the note head stencil.  This would automate those parts 
as well.  

Anyway, this is just another possible approach in addition to the existing 
support for Jianpu using Python, which I just learned about.

(I only know a little about Jianpu, but I have experience with extending 
LilyPond to support other notation systems, see especially http://clairnote.org)


Attachment: jianpu.ly
Description: Binary data

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