Dear List,

Please find hereunder  the snippet I'd like to upload on the LSR - with bad
Two major issues:
1. 'warning: rest `rests.8' not found': LP print the grob but cannot affect
any dimension to it
2. I cannot find any working 'Flag.stencil', probably also - or part of -
because flags*.8 glyphs does not exist.


\version "2.18.2"
#(set-global-staff-size 50)

%% Two hundred fifty-sixth notes/rests paths:
flagsd-eight =
    `(path 0.001
       `(moveto   -0.05   0.00
         lineto   -0.01   0.00
         curveto  -0.01   0.70   0.91   1.20   0.91   2.10
         curveto   0.91   2.30   0.90   2.35   0.85   2.53
         lineto    0.74   2.35
         curveto   0.77   1.90   0.75   1.45  -0.01   0.83
         lineto   -0.01   0.93
         curveto  -0.01   1.62   0.93   2.10   0.93   2.85
         curveto   0.93   3.00   0.93   3.00   0.88   3.27
         lineto    0.75   3.10
         curveto   0.86   2.65   0.58   2.15  -0.01   1.68
         lineto   -0.01   1.78
         curveto  -0.01   2.65   1.35   3.00   0.91   4.15
         lineto    0.80   4.00
         curveto   0.94   3.50   0.75   3.10  -0.01   2.57
         lineto   -0.01   2.67
         curveto  -0.01   3.53   1.40   3.80   0.95   4.95
         lineto    0.85   4.76
         curveto   0.95   4.32   0.87   4.00  -0.01   3.47
         lineto   -0.01   3.57
         curveto  -0.01   4.44   1.38   4.53   0.98   5.72
         lineto    0.86   5.58
         curveto   0.95   5.10   0.90   4.83  -0.01   4.39
         lineto   -0.01   4.49
         curveto  -0.01   5.30   1.26   5.32   1.06   6.25
         curveto   1.04   6.38   0.89   6.37   0.90   6.23
         curveto   0.98   5.83   0.85   5.58  -0.01   5.31
         lineto   -0.01   5.83
         lineto   -0.05   5.83

flagsu-eight =
    `(path 0.001
       `(moveto   -0.07   0.30
         lineto   -0.01   0.30
         lineto   -0.01   0.20
         curveto  -0.01  -0.45   0.93  -1.25   0.68  -2.25
         lineto    0.57  -2.05
         curveto   0.63  -1.60   0.48  -1.30  -0.01  -0.69
         lineto   -0.01  -0.79
         curveto  -0.01  -1.50   1.07  -2.20   0.69  -3.05
         lineto    0.59  -2.86
         curveto   0.67  -2.51   0.58  -2.24  -0.01  -1.60
         lineto   -0.01  -1.73
         curveto  -0.01  -2.47   1.18  -2.96   0.68  -4.00
         lineto    0.59  -3.82
         curveto   0.72  -3.45   0.70  -3.14  -0.01  -2.54
         lineto   -0.01  -2.65
         curveto  -0.01  -3.40   1.17  -3.90   0.69  -4.92
         lineto    0.59  -4.75
         curveto   0.77  -4.20   0.53  -3.95  -0.01  -3.46
         lineto   -0.01  -3.60
         curveto  -0.01  -4.25   1.22  -4.99   0.67  -5.76
         lineto    0.57  -5.62
         curveto   0.80  -5.29   0.54  -4.86  -0.01  -4.39
         lineto   -0.01  -4.50
         curveto  -0.01  -5.35   1.28  -5.68   0.67  -6.98
         curveto   0.63  -7.08   0.47  -7.00   0.52  -6.92
         curveto   0.83  -6.18   0.70  -5.92  -0.01  -5.32
         lineto   -0.01  -5.76
         lineto   -0.07  -5.76
         lineto   -0.07  -0.20
         lineto   -0.08  -0.20

rests-eight =
    `(path 0.001
       `(moveto    0.48 -4.00
         curveto   0.48  -4.05   0.65  -4.06   0.67  -4.00
         lineto    1.50   2.71
         curveto   1.50   2.77   1.42   2.77   1.41   2.70
         curveto   1.38   2.56   1.32   2.48   1.26   2.48
         curveto   1.11   2.48   1.21   2.81   0.90   2.81
         curveto   0.75   2.81   0.625  2.70   0.625  2.54
         curveto   0.625  2.20   1.04   2.14   1.355  2.37
         lineto    1.28   1.84
         curveto   1.24   1.47   1.13   1.43   1.11   1.43
         curveto   0.92   1.43   1.08   1.82   0.74   1.82
         curveto   0.60   1.82   0.465  1.70   0.465  1.55
         curveto   0.465  1.19   0.88   1.16   1.21   1.32
         lineto    1.13   0.74
         curveto   1.08   0.49   1.00   0.43   0.95   0.43
         curveto   0.78   0.43   0.90   0.81   0.57   0.81
         curveto   0.42   0.81   0.30   0.68   0.30   0.55
         curveto   0.30   0.18   0.70   0.15   1.075  0.32
         lineto    0.995 -0.25
         curveto   0.97  -0.40   0.87  -0.58   0.78  -0.58
         curveto   0.64  -0.58   0.71  -0.19   0.43  -0.19
         curveto   0.25  -0.19   0.14  -0.32   0.14  -0.45
         curveto   0.14  -0.87   0.63  -0.84   0.94  -0.68
         lineto    0.86  -1.23
         curveto   0.83  -1.44   0.69  -1.59   0.63  -1.59
         curveto   0.45  -1.59   0.57  -1.20   0.25  -1.20
         curveto   0.15  -1.20  -0.02  -1.28  -0.02  -1.47
         curveto  -0.02  -1.88   0.50  -1.84   0.80  -1.68
         lineto    0.73  -2.20
         curveto   0.70  -2.39   0.55  -2.59   0.47  -2.59
         curveto   0.29  -2.59   0.42  -2.21   0.10  -2.21
         curveto  -0.03  -2.21  -0.18  -2.30  -0.18  -2.48
         curveto  -0.18  -2.82   0.18  -2.90   0.66  -2.69

%%% 256th defs:
%%% Does not work yet:
#(define (flag-8 grob)
   (let* (
           (stem-grob (ly:grob-parent grob X))
           (log (ly:grob-property stem-grob 'duration-log))
           (dir (ly:grob-property stem 'direction))
           (stem-up (eqv? dir UP))
           (layout (ly:grob-layout grob))

           (stroke-style (ly:grob-property grob 'stroke-style)))

      (if (equal? stroke-style "grace")


#(define (stem-8 grob)
    (let* ((dur (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log))
          (nc (ly:grob-parent grob Y))
          (beam? (ly:grob? (ly:grob-object grob 'beam)))
          (lngth (if (not beam?)(ly:grob-property grob 'length))))
          (if (and (not beam?) (> dur 7))
              (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'length (+ 1.6 lngth)))))

#(define (rest-8 grob)
    (let* ((dur (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log)))
          (if (> dur 7)
              (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'stencil) rests-eight)
              (ly:rest::print grob))))

%%%% End defs %%%%%%%%%%%

%% tests:
\relative c'' {
  r8*1/8 r16*1/4 r32*1/2 r64 r128*2
  %% tweak here just to show something:
  \tweak stencil #rests-eight
  %% warning: rest `rests.8' not found

\relative c' {
  c'8*1/32 a c16*1/16 a c32*1/8 a c64*1/4 a c128*1/2 a
  %% tweak here just to show something:
  \tweak Flag.stencil #flagsd-eight
  %% tweak here just to show something:
  \tweak Flag.stencil #flagsu-eight

\relative c'' {
  c8*1/32[ c] c16*1/16[ c] c32*1/8[ c]
  c64*1/4[ c] c128*1/2[ c] c256[ c]

\layout {
  \context {
    %\override Flag.stencil = #flag-8 %%% does not work yet
    \override Stem.after-line-breaking = #stem-8
    \override Rest.stencil = #rest-8

Any help ?
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