On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 07:55:48PM +0200, Urs Liska wrote:
> >What's your definition of a "big" score?
> Well, actually that depends on the results of the survey, I guess ...
> Basically I'd be interested in an estimate if there are practical
> limitations where one would be better off skipping a commission
> because LilyPond would be at its limit.

In that case, my data point is probably not relevant to you... but FWIW,
the biggest LilyPond project I've done so far is a short piece (~5 min,
163 bars) for small orchestra, 21 staves in the input, \partcombine'd
into 14 printed staves, 22 pages for the full score, 50 pages in total
if I include the individual instrument parts. I use a single .ly file to
generate everything, optionally including the parts depending on a
custom command-line option. Compiling the whole thing takes about ~10
seconds for the full score, ~22 seconds for everything on my PC.

Compared to what some of you are working with, it looks like I'm still
far from Lilypond's limits. :-)


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