Just installed the latest (Stable) version 2.18.2-1 for Windows 7.

Install indicated all went fine.  Testing installing by following tutorial.

Save as test.ly, drag and drop onto lilypond icon.

I do this and no pdf or log file is created.

I moved the test.ly to c:\program files (x86)\lilypond\usr\bin directory.

I ran lilypond test.ly from command prompt and received the following

GNU LilyPond 2.18.2

Processing `test.ly'


Interpreting music...

Preprocessing graphical objects...

Finding the ideal number of pages...

Fitting music on 1 page...

Drawing systems...

Layout output to `test.ps'...

Converting to `./test.pdf'...

Success: compilation successfully completed
However, I never see a PDF open nor can I locate a test.pdf or log file
anywhere.  Suggestions?

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