
On Sat, 11 Apr 2015 22:07:43 -0700 (MST), Paul Morris wrote:
Gilles Sadowski wrote
It happens when you use bar checks!
The sound is continuous without them but it would be quite annoying to
encode without their help for spotting mistakes... [I use version

In addition, the midi volume and instrument used for the drone must be different from that of the main melody (in order not to overwhelm the
melody lines).

Well, here's where the climb gets steep in trying to make this more robust. See below where I added a "music-filter" step that filters out the bar checks. This solves the bar check problem, but there will surely be similar
things that will also need to be filtered out.

It works almost fine: no more stops between bars.

However I sometimes stumbled upon another problem: "dronified" full measure rests ("R") generate a bar check warning. It seems wrong because when I changed "R" into "r" (and touched nothing else), the warning disappeared
(but so did the printed rests, of course).

I couldn't yet define a small example as the error comes and goes as I add
bars to the score! :-{

These can be added just like for bar checks, but it's a tall order to figure out which ones to filter out and which to leave in, given the large number of "music types" to consider. All the different types are found in the LilyPond source code under scm/define-music-types.scm (I glanced through them, and even briefly tried it the other way around where you only leave in note events, rest events, and... all other seemingly relevant events, but this didn't work, as apparently more are relevant than I was leaving in.)

So that's what it will take to make this robust. Alternatively you could
just add more types to filter out as new problems come up.

You can uncomment \displayMusic (below) in order to see what's causing
trouble and needs filtering out.

On setting the midi volume and instrument per voice... something like what you originally had should do the trick. Maybe something as shown below with
separate scores for midi and layout?

Yes, this solution is quite fine.




\version "2.18.2"

dronify =
#(define-music-function (parser location drone melody)
   (ly:pitch? ly:music?)
   (let* ((melody-filtered
            (lambda (m)
              (not (or
                    (music-is-of-type? m 'bar-check)
;; add other types to filter out here, as needed...
          (prev #{ #})
          (current #{ #})
          (art '())

            (lambda (m)
              (set! prev current)

              (if (and (music-is-of-type? m 'note-event)
                       (ly:pitch? (ly:music-property m 'pitch)))
                  ;; change the pitch
                   (ly:music-set-property! m 'pitch drone)
                   (if (and (music-is-of-type? prev 'note-event)
(ly:pitch? (ly:music-property prev 'pitch)))
                       ;; add tie to previous note
                       ;; avoid overwriting existing articulations
(set! art (ly:music-property prev 'articulations
                        (ly:music-set-property! prev 'articulations
                          (append art (list (make-music (quote

              (set! current m)
     #{ #drone-part #current #}))

melody = \relative f' {
  c4 d r e |
  f r g a |
  b c r e |
  f r g a |

\score {
  \new Voice {
    \clef G
  \layout {}

\score {
    \new Voice {
      \set midiInstrument = "oboe"
      \set midiMinimumVolume = #0.6
      \set midiMaximumVolume = #0.7
      \clef G
      % \displayMusic
    \new Voice {
      \set midiInstrument = "accordion"
      \set midiMinimumVolume = #0.2
      \set midiMaximumVolume = #0.3
      % \displayMusic
      \dronify g \melody
  \midi {}

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