Hi all,
I have a piece, where the Fagotto part is written in tenor clef and after some measures rests switches to bass clef. Now, when I use \cueDuringWithClef to cue other instruments during those rests, the end of the cue notes will display two clefs: one to revert the cue clef (smaller) and one to make the actual clef change. Attached is a minimal example.

I have tried everything, like \hide CueClef etc, but I have not found any way to prevent the second cue clef (to unset the treble cue clef) from appearing...

Any idea how I can suppress the bass cue clef in this example?

Thanks a lot,

Reinhold Kainhofer, reinh...@kainhofer.com, http://www.kainhofer.com/
 * Open Tools, Software Development, http://www.open-tools.net/
 * Edition Kainhofer, Music Publisher, http://www.edition-kainhofer.com/

\version "2.18.2"

ObMusic = \relative c'' { c2 c | c c | c c | c c }
\addQuote "Ob" \ObMusic

\relative c { \clef "tenor" d1  | R1 | \cueDuringWithClef #"Ob" #UP "treble" { R1 } | \clef "bass" c1 }

Attachment: cue-during-with-clef.pdf
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