How about this? Is this more the spacing you were looking for?
[image: Inline image 1]
I did it by explicitly setting the location of the first and last system of
the interlude measures. I'm not sure if you CAN do it any other way at the
Here's the code I used (in the InterludeMusic variable) which you should be
able to apply (by trial-and-error, unfortunately) to the other instance on
page 4:
%<---------- SNIP -----------
% Interlude
\mark \markup { \hspace #25 "Musical Interlude" }
\overrideProperty Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-system-details
#'((Y-offset . 65))
b8. a16 b8 c | d8. d16 b8 g | d'8. d16 b8 g | a8. r16 d,4^> | \break
\overrideProperty Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-system-details
#'((Y-offset . 96))
g8 a g fs | e r a4^> | fs8 a c b | g4. r8 | R2 | \bar ".|:-||"
% Verse 4
%<---------- SNIP -----------
Oh, and I moved the first measure from the interlude's bottom system to the
end of the second one (which you can change back, of course :-) I just
thought it looked less crowded). Also, I've learned that putting in manual
\breaks can make a big difference to how Lily uses the \overridePropertys.
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Chris Trahan [via Lilypond] <> wrote:
> Abraham,
> Here's the file. It's not a tiny example, I'm afraid.
> Chris
> From: tisimst <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=174224&i=0>>
> To: [hidden email] <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=174224&i=1>
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 07:42:36 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: Staff Spacing
> Chris,
> Can you post your code or attach a file so we can see what you've tried?
> You can be explicit about the vertical location of the staves, but I
> imagine that's not what you want to do.
> - Abraham
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Chris Trahan [via Lilypond] <[hidden
> email] <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=174222&i=0>> wrote:
> I have an SATB score with interludes between verses. I've built the score
> in a choir staff group with 4 staves for each vocal range and a 5th staff
> for the interlude. I'm hiding empty staves for the parts that are not
> singing. For example, one part is sopranos and altos so the tenor and bass
> parts are hidden during that verse.
> The musical interlude staff is built with rests in all verses so only the
> music that is played during the interlude shows.
> I'm trying to reduce the spacing between the staves in the interlude
> sections but nothing seems to be working. See the attached screenshot.
> The interlude staff is the last staff in the system. I'm using
> staff-staff-spacing to reduce the spacing of the SATB parts. I've tried
> the system-system-spacing in the \paper block setting the basic-distance to
> 8.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Chris
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