Will Oram wrote:
When I did this, I got a long note with a trill line spanner over it, as desired:

    \override TextSpanner  #'style = #'trill
    \override TextSpanner  #'edge-height = #'(0 . 0)
    \override TextSpanner  #'edge-text
      = #(cons (make-musicglyph-markup "scripts-trill")  "")

csharp!\fermata \bar "" \grace { b16[(\!\stopTextSpan csharp]) } \bar "|"
d8 r r4 r

When I did this, I just got a dotted line spanner instead of a trill.

\override TextSpanner #'style = #'trill
\override TextSpanner #'edge-height = #'(0 . 0)
\override TextSpanner #'edge-text
= #(cons (make-musicglyph-markup "scripts-trill") "")
<< { d2.\trill~\startTextSpan } \\ { R1*3/4 } >>
<< { d2.~ } \\ { R1*3/4 } >>
<< { d2.~ } \\ { R1*3/4 } >>
<< { d2.~ } \\ { R1*3/4 } >>
<< { d8[(\stopTextSpan csharp) e-.] e[( d) b-.] } \\ { R1*3/4 } >>

What's the diff here? Something to do with Staff vs. Voice?

The difference is the new contexts. The \startTextSpan and \stopTextSpan have to be in the same Voice context. When you do << { ...} \\ {...} >>, you create two new Voice contexts (called "1" and "2" if I recall correctly), but after the >>, both these contexts are destroyed again since they don't contain any more music. Then it doesn't matter that a new context called "1" is created in the next measure, LilyPond will still treat it as a separate context. So, one solution is to do << {d2.\trill~\startTextSpan d2.~ d2.~ d2.~ d8[(\stopTextSpan csharp) e-.] e[( d) b-.] } \\ { R2.*5} >>

Another solution is indicated in
which actually describes exactly the same underlying problem even though
this may not be obvious at first.


Will Oram // Genius @ Large // AIM spamguy21 spamguy (at) foxchange (dot) com // wro1 (at) cwru (dot) edu

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