Please always specify a relevant subject of your emails. Also, always tell what LilyPond version you use, if you want a relevant answer.
You could start the second line with a \skip (for example \skip 1*8 to skip 8 full measures in 4/4). However, this only works if you specify the durations manually of each syllable (i.e. don't use \lyricsto for that line). Example:
\score{ << \context Voice = music \notes { c d e f | g4. f8 e4 d |} \lyricsto music \lyrics \new Lyrics { do re mi fa sol fa mi re } \lyrics \new Lyrics { \skip 1 sol4. fa8 mi4 re } >> }
Frédéric Bron wrote:
Hi! Many thanks for this wonderfull piece of software. I am trying to write a song book and in such case in the refrain, there is only one line of lyrics and in the couplets there are several. I could do this only by split the score in two, one for the refrain and one for the couplets but if the refrain is so small that the couplet should start on the same line, it is not possible. Could you help? Thanks in advance, Frédéric
----------------------------------------------------------- Frédéric Bron ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Villa des Quatre Chemins, Centre Hospitalier, BP 208 38506 VOIRON CEDEX tél. : (33) 4 76 67 17 27
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