On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 1:44 PM, Nathan Ho <when.possi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> What is the most up-to-date way to define my own event classes?
> I've looked at frameEngraver as a model but none of the old versions
> seem to be working. The most up-to-date one I could find
> (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2013-07/msg00373.html)
> gives me numerous "Event class should be a list" errors and the frames
> don't show up in the output, while this one
> (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2013-07/msg00554.html)
> spits out a few errors and segfaults. I'm using 2.19.17.

Not hugely surprised to see that didn't get a quick answer :)

With some trial and error and fumbling around I came up with the following
code. Unlike the frame engraver code, this returns no errors or warnings,
but the engraver doesn't seem to notice the BangEvent at all. If I change
the listener to listen to music-event, then bang-trigger calls four times
(once per note) seemingly ignoring the \bang. What's going on here?

\version "2.19.17"

#(define-event-class 'bang-event 'music-event)

#(define bang-types
      . ((description . "BANG!")
         (types . (bang-event music-event))

  (map (lambda (x)
         (set-object-property! (car x)
                               (cdr (assq 'description (cdr x))))
         (let ((lst (cdr x)))
           (set! lst (assoc-set! lst 'name (car x)))
           (set! lst (assq-remove! lst 'description))
           (hashq-set! music-name-to-property-table (car x) lst)
           (cons (car x) lst)))

#(set! music-descriptions
       (append bang-types music-descriptions))

#(set! music-descriptions
       (sort music-descriptions alist<?))

#(define (bang-trigger engraver event)
   ; use ly:warning as a quick hack to get it to show up in the output log
   (ly:warning "helloooo"))

#(define Bang_engraver
     (listeners (bang-event . bang-trigger))))

bang = #(make-music 'BangEvent)

\new Staff \with {
  \consists #Bang_engraver
} {
  c1 c1 \bang c1 c1

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