Hello all,

Does anyone know of an arbitrary-row matrix generator app/tool/website, that 
would do to (e.g.) a 10-note Dorian “row” like

    D  G  A  E  F  A  G  B  C  A

what standard 12-tone matrix generators (like 
<http://composertools.com/Tools/matrix/MatrixCalc.html>) do to a 12-note 
chromatic row? Ultimately, the tool should be able to accept any set of pitches 
as the “base scale” (e.g., 19-note microtonal scale), and any set of pitches as 
the “row” (i.e., it wouldn’t have to be “exactly one of each note found in the 

I could programme such a thing myself, I suppose… but I’d rather not reinvent 
the wheel, if possible.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
www:  <http://www.kierenmacmillan.info>
email:  i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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