Hi Nathan, thanks for answering,

2015-03-25 22:48 GMT+01:00 Nathan Ho <when.possi...@gmail.com>:

> I'm a little unclear on what you're asking for and what your
> motivations are. It seems that you want to enter { c f g } into
> \chordmode, and have the music events generated as if you entered { c
> f/a g/b }, but then you want ChordNames to produce the output as if
> you entered { c f g }?

Exactly, but maybe it is a wrong way to manage it…!?
In fact motivations are for chromatic accordion with standard bass
(stradella system) scores: chords button plays first inversion chords.
I was first asking with this simple example, but to go further, I'd like to
remap c:7 to <e g bes> or <bes g c> (it depends on the type of accordion, 5
or 6 rows) and so on. In the long run we could implement a \accordionChords

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