Im a lilypond-newbie, used to be working with CMN, now i've searched around abit in docs and on the net without finding any solutions. Ive got 2 questions hopefully someone might be able to answer.
Is there a way to specify "running" values for the property #'line-count of 'StaffSymbol? Ie. changing the number of staff-lines in the middle of a line, at a bar or some such? To achieve input along the following:
When notating with non-standard number of staff-lines, how to avoid getting extra leger-lines on notes? Related to this, how to avoid the vertical scaling of the content (note-placements and stem-lengths etc.) The following score sets up a staff with 3 lines taking the vertical space of a 5-line staff. \version "2.2.0" \score{ \notes\relative c'{ d e g a e' f g a } \paper{ \context { \StaffContext \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #3 \override StaffSymbol #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . -1.0) \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(/ 5 3) } } } I guess what's needed is a pointer to the actual drawing-function for StaffSymbol's (the Staffs 'engraver is it?), or examples of variants. Anders Vinjar
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