Will Oram wrote:
As is typical with me, I misread the instructions for lilypond-book --process. After some toying around, I got it to build at last.

There are some problems, however. One is that nothing in \header {} (found in header.ly) is printed in the final output. This is not a terrible problem; I can insert anything missing in TeX.

See the information on titling at http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.2/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypond/Integrating-LaTeX-and-music.html#Integrating%20LaTeX%20and%20music However, you will need version 2.2.3 since earlier 2.2.x versions had a bug. If you don't want to upgrade, I have described a workaround in several emails found in the mailing list archives.

A more serious problem is that I can't seem to have multiple \lilypondfile's in one .tex file. This is my code:


     \title {Violin Concerto in D Major}
     \subtitle {Opus 35}
     \author {Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky}
     \date {\today}

     {\huge{I. Allegro Moderato}} \\

     {\huge{III. Finale}} \\


The resulting output is the title page, mvmt1 header, mvmt1, NO header at all, mvmt1 AGAIN. What's up?

I tried your example with some small files in mvmt1.ly and mvmt3.ly and it works fine here. You can hopefully get a hint on what's up if you run lilypond-book with the additional flag --verbose and also take a careful look at the printouts from LaTeX. I recommend to remove all lily-*.ly files first to make sure that lilypond-book reruns all the steps.


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