It seems it's not enough to add the Hara_kiri_engraver, you have to copy also another line from the definition of RemoveEmptyStaffContext in ly/
\notes\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff {c1 c c c c c c c \break e e e e e e e e \break d1 d d d d d d d}
\new Staff {c1 c c c c c c c \break R1*8 d1 d d d d d d d}
\new Staff \with {
\remove "Axis_group_engraver"
\consistsend "Hara_kiri_engraver"
}{c1 c c c c c c c R1*8 d1 d d d d d d d}
If you comment out the \remove ... line, LilyPond hangs just as you described. Looks like a bug to me, even though we are playing with the internal details of LilyPond here.
Ralph Little wrote:
Hi Mats, I have a related question. I have a score where I wish to use the \RemoveEmptyStaffContext on one staff of a staff group only. The reason for this is that I have a part which is separate but only exists for a few bars in the entire piece, and I don't want it to occupy a line on every page of the score. However, all other parts I do, even if they only have bars rest.
I can't remember exactly what I tried, but I think it involved using the new \with syntax to add the HaraKiri engraver, like:
\score { \new StaffGroup { \new Staff \SoloCornet \new Staff \with { \consists "Hara_kiri_engraver"} \TuttiCornet } } ..or something like that.
I could put together a simple example if nothing comes immediately to mind....
What happened is that lilypond just "hung".
Do you know if anybody has used this in this way? Lilypond 2.2 BTW.
Regards, Ralph
Mats wrote:
One solution is to use the \RemoveEmptyStaffContext and simply insert multimeasure rests in the second stave. Then, LilyPond will automatically remove the second stave and the opening brace on the lines where there are no notes.
uppervoice=\new Staff \notes\relative c'{ c d e f g a b c c b a g f e d c c d e f g a b c c b a g f e d c c d e f g a b c c b a g f e d c }
lowervoice=\new Staff \notes\relative c''{ c b a g f e d c c d e f g a b c \break R1*4 \break c4 b a g f e d c c d e f g a b c }
\score{ \new GrandStaff << \uppervoice \lowervoice >> \paper{ \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } } }
Alex Klein wrote:
Hi, a month ago I had a little problem which I still haven't found a solution for. I was engraving a piece of music where the first violin
split into upper and lower voice, which was notated by using two
and a group bracket. At one time in the piece, the split is lost and
first violins play in unison. I was able to drop the second stave, but no matter what I did, there was always a group bracket around the
stave left. What is the correct way to engrave this? Cheers
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