
i'm new to the list and relatively new to lilypond.
i am very impressed with and pleased by its flexibility and the great quality of its appearance.
i am using mac os 10.3.4 and lilypond 2.2.3.

the tempo of the midi output from my files does not seem to be controllable with the "\tempo" command. no edits to the code effect the output whatsoever, which is always somewhere around quarter = 120.

i found this issue discussed in the archive list from may 5 to 8 2004, with the suggested workaround of using the program "mighty midi", but all of the links to "mighty midi" and its author have apparently since then become obsolete and the program has simply disappeared without a trace from the internet.

any further hints on other workarounds? or perhaps any other free/open midi players with adjustable tempo for mac os x that somebody can recommend? or does perhaps somebody have a copy of the "mighty midi" program that they can mail me? (all the links suggest it's only around 170k).

also, is this a mac specific problem? is there a fix in the works?

sean reed

Sean Reed
Web: www.seanreed.de
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