> altoMusic = \notes { ..... bla bla bla bla bla > << { high split music expressions } \\ { lower split music } >> > back to single voice etc... > }
Is it working with lyrics? Because I don't know how these voices are called automatically. I usually use something like this: \score { << \context Lyrics=lyricsNotMainLine { s1 } \context Staff = soprano { \context Voice = mainLine { c d e f g a << \context Voice = mainLine { \voiceOne a b c d f g } \context Voice = notMainLine { \voiceTwo g a c d e f } >> \oneVoice } } \context Lyrics = lyricsMainLine \lyricsto "mainLine" \lyrics { lyrics for the main line } \context Lyrics = lyricsNotMainLine \lyricsto "notMainLine" \lyrics { lyrics for the other line } >> Bert _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user