On Friday 18 June 2004 20.41, Joshua Koo wrote: > Hi, > > is it possilbe for a 2-syllable word in the lyrics to be shown as a single > word if the notes are closed enought. That is a word seperated with -- eg. > Hel -- lo, be shown below the notes as "Hello" instead of Hel-lo if notes > are determinded closed enought.
You can do this manually, by using melismata or similar: << \context Voice=A \notes { c8\melisma c\melismaEnd } \new Lyrics \lyricsto A \lyrics { Hello } >> would replace << \context Voice=A \notes { c8 c } \new Lyrics \lyricsto A \lyrics { Hel -- lo } >> I beleive that the following has the same effect & might be more handy: << \context Voice=A \notes { c8 c } \new Lyrics \lyricsto A \lyrics { Hello \skip 4 } >> Erik _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user