On Tuesday 15 June 2004 21.56, Joshua Koo wrote: > Hi, > > Thanks for your replies. > Here's a part which I working to complete to place in mutopia-project. > > http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/junk/ly/cello.pdf (Do tell me if you cant > download the file, and I can send it as an attachment) > > Its "simple" Bach music and the cello line, but yet it took me many hours > to complete this page. (that why I want to find out how slow am i) So the > Qn: How long do you think you guys can usually finish it in?
I tried it out, it took about 1h30m. Of which about 15m went to try finding out how to get rid of the tuplet numbers properly (I didn't succeed quickly, so I solved it in a dirty way instead). Under better circumstances (if I had typeset something similar before), I could possibly have made it in 1 hour. Maybe 30 minutes went to proofreading & corrections after the score was done. (for no apparent reason, i did not use point-and-click). I made around 5-10 octave errors and about as many typos (mostly c instead of cis). Proofreading was done primarily by comparing quickly by eye, to spot octave errors. This was done every now and then while typing in the score, and also after I finished typing. After that, I prooflistened to the midi output while reading the original score. I also found some things in your score that might be typos :) bar 78: Is the slurring correct? bar 108: r2*21 should be R2*21 Erik Here's the code: \header { title = "Brandenburg Concerto No.5 (Keyboard Concerto) Mvt 3" subtitle = "Have Fun Testing..." composer = "J.S. Bach" instrument = "Cello" } cello = \notes \relative c, { \time 2/4 \clef "bass" \key d\major \set Score.skipBars=##t \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) % \set tupletNumberFormatFunction = #() R2*28 | r4 fis8 r | g r a r | b r cis r | d r e r | fis r fis r | g r a r b r a r | %36 b r cis r | d r r4 | R2 | r8 r16 a d8. a16 | \times 2/3 {b8( a) g fis( g) a} | d, r e r fis r fis, r | g r a r b r cis r | %45 d r e r fis r g r | a r b r | cis8.\noBeam a16 d8. a16 | {b8*2/3( a) g fis( g) a | d,( fis) e d( e) fis} | g8 r a r b r g, r | %53 r4 b'8 r | fis r fis, r | r4 fis'8 r | gis r gis, r | r4 gis'8 r a r fis r | b, r e r a, r d r | g,4 r | %62 r8 r16 a d8. a16 {b8*2/3( a) g} a8. a16 | d,8 r fis r | g r c r | b8. g'16\noBeam d'8. a16 {b8*2/3( a) g fis( gis) a} | gis8 r gis, r | r4 gis'8 r | %70 gis8 r gis, r | r4 gis'8 r | a r r r16 fis | b8 r r r16 g16 | cis8 r r r16 a16 | d8 r fis, r | g r a r | {b8*2/3( a) g} a8. a,16 | %78 %NOTE: slurring should be like d( e) fis, right? {d8*2/3( fis) e d( e) fis} | \repeat "unfold" 7 {b,8 r r4} | r8 r16 fis'16 {b8*2/3( d) cis | d( cis) b ais( g) cis} | fis,4~ {fis8*2/3 g e | d( cis b)} r4 | \repeat "unfold" 6 {b8 r r4} | %96 r8 r16 fis'16 {b8*2/3( a) gis | a( gis) fis eis( fis) gis} | cis,4~ {cis8*2/3 d b a( gis fis)} r4 | \repeat "unfold"7 {fis8 r r4} %108 %NOTE: this should be R2*21, not r2, right? R2*21 | r4_\markup {\italic "(forte)"} a8 r | b r cis r | d r dis r | e r fis r | g r gis r | a r b r | %134 cis r cis, r d r e r fis r fis, r | gis r gis' r | a r a, r| b r b' r cis r cis, r d r d' r | %142 d r cis r d r e r | {fis8*2/3( e) d cis( dis) e} | dis4 r8 b | e8. d!16 cis8. fis,16 e8. d16 e8. e,16 | a8_\markup {\italic "(piano)"} r a' r | \repeat "unfold" 6 {a, r a' r} | a, r r4 | R2*22 | r4 b | e, r r a | %181 d, r R2*10 | r4 r8 a' | d r r4 cis8 r r4 b8 r r4 | a8 r r4 | gis8 r fis r | cis' r r4 | cis'8 r r4 | %200 cis,8 r r4 | cis'8 r r4 | cis,8 r r4 | cis'8 r cis, r | fis r r4 fis8 r fis, r | g r r4 | a8 r b r | e, r r4 | %209 a8 r d r b r g r | e r a r | d, r g r | d' r c r | b2~ b8. fis'16\noBeam b8. fis16 | g8. fis16 g8. e16 | fis2~ | %218 fis~ | fis~ | fis ~ | fis~ | fis8. b,16\noBeam fis'8. a,16 | {b8*2/3( a) g ais( b) cis} | fis,4~ {fis8*2/3 fis' e} | d8 r r4 | R2*4 | r8 r16 g16 d8. e16 | fis8. e16 fis8. fis,16 | %232 b4 r d r | R2*27 | r4 fis,8 r | g8 r a r | b r cis r | d r e r | fis r fis r | g r a r | b r a r | %268 b8 r cis r | d r r4 | R2 | r8 r16 a16 d8. a16 | {b8*2/3( a) g fis( a) b} | d,8 r e r fis r fis, r | g r a r | b r cis r | %277 d8 r e r fis r g r a r b r | cis8. a16\noBeam d8. a16 | {b8*2/3( a) g fis( g) a | d,( fis) e d( e) fis} | g8 r a r b r b, r | %285 r4 b'8 r | fis r fis, r | r4 fis'8 r | gis r gis, r | r4 gis'8 r | a r fis r | b, r e r a, r d r | g,4 r | %294 r8 r16 a16 d8. a16 | {b8*2/3( a) fis} a8. a16 | d,8 r fis r | g r c r | b8. g'16\noBeam d'8. a16 | {b8*2/3( a) g fis( gis) a} | gis8 r gis, r | r4 gis'8 r | %302 gis8 r gis, r r4 gis'8 r | a r r r16 fis | b8 r r r16 g16 | cis8 r r r16 a16 | d8 r fis, r | g r a r | {b8*2/3( a) g} a8. a,16 | d2^\fermata \bar "|." } \score { \new Staff \cello \header {piece ="Allegro"} \paper{} \midi {\tempo 4=100} } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user