Bruce McIntyre wrote:

Peter Mogensen wrote:

- representing snare drum notes. (Ruffs, rolls and flams). The
current layout is acceptable, but the it's a hack. It would be
better if Lilypond knew the correct musical concept.  Tremolos in
ruffs and rolls should not be aligned with beams.  It's annoying
that grace notes needs to be phantom duplicated in other voiced in
repeats, but I can see that's a know bug. Anyway, the period
between the to beats of a flam is so short that grace notes
doesn't give the correct timing.

Mats Bengtsson replied:

Judging from the mails on the mailing list, there hasn't been that
many people using LilyPond for percussion earlier. At least not
people with sufficient competence to realize these problems. Even if
you have described the problems in some earlier emails, I think it
would be nice if you could collect your request in a separate email
sent as a feature request to the bug-lilypond or lilypond-devel
mailing lists.  Of course, it's even better if you can assist
yourself in implementing such features.

My 50c:

I've been using Lilypond for percussion notation (mostly snare drum
and drum-set) and have found it produces good results. Tremolos in
ruffs and rolls _can_ be aligned with beams.  This is how it is done
in Wilcoxon's All American Drummer (one of the seminal snare drum
books). This is not to say that the alternate form mentioned above
would not be useful.

In drum notation it is important to distinguish between the double
stroke or `open roll', where each stick strikes the drum twice, and
the buzz roll, where each stick produces an indefinite number of
strokes.  Usually this is done today by indicating double stroke rolls
with tremolo repeat symbols and buzz rolls with a z through the stem
of the note in the same fashion as the / of the tremelo repeat.

You mean something like \score{ \notes\relative c''{ \stemUp \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(.5 . -2) b4 ^\markup{\large \dynamic z } }}

The z symbol is often similar to that found in rfz (with a smaller lower florish), otherwise it is more like a sans serif `z'. The `cursive' z is found more on old scores, so seems to be the way to go for lilypond if a 19C aethsetic is desired. In the same way these scores use a double-sharp sign to indicate cymbals, not a simple `x'.

Sometimes the trill symbol is used to indicate a roll (especially of the
buzz type) . This is, I think, more common in French typography. When
there is only one species of roll in the work, such as in much orchestral
music, the tremolo style roll is used throughout.

In rudimental drumming (with measured double-stroke rolls) the tie
connecting the beginning of the roll to it's end-stroke has a number
at it's apex, indicating the number of pulsations. It would be nice
(scary phrase huh?) if one could connect a markup to the mid-point of
ties (both phrasing and otherwise) so this could be implemented. This
would be useful for Schenkerian analysis as well. A similar feature
for analysis brackets would be ace!

Again, this can be obtained using extra-offset, but this requires much
manual work to look good. However, I'm certain that some of the Scheme
hackers on the mailing list can provide a nice solution that redefines
the print-function property of the slur. Another hackers alternative
would be to use the functionality of the triplet typesetting and replace the text.

text. However, all

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