Hendrik wrote:
Ferenc Wagner wrote:

"Hendrik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Indeed it came from the manual for 1.8 Maybe there should
be a warning that such things have changed?  I found it by
googling with "site:www.lilypond.org polyphony".

I recommend you browsing the manual directly. It may even be installed on your local computer together with LilyPond and hopefully correspond to the installed version. The web site contains documentation for various versions.

<< \melody

I would rather do << \melody \\ \bass \\ \accompany >> or
even better give explicit \voiceOne, \voiceTwo...  commands
to arrange stem directions and the like.

I did this (inside \melody ...), but all the stems were up then.  So I used
\stemUp and \stemDown.

See my answer below.


           \override Staff.NoteCollision
               #'merge-differently-headed = ##t
           \override Staff.NoteCollision
               #'merge-differently-dotted = ##t

is often useful for guitar scores.

Where should I put this?  Inside the \scores I presume, but outside the
others right?

I recommend that you read Chapter 4 "Changing defaults" in the manual, to get an understanding of how to apply these property settings. I know it's a threshold, but once you have got a grasp of the basic principles, it's very logical.

If you desperately want the solution to this specific question directly,
look at the end of this email.

which are each input like <<as c>> <<as c>>

You probably mean <as c> <as c> instead.

Yes, this works better, thanks.

But I still get a bunch of error messages saying 'adding notes to
incompatible stem (type=2) Don't you want polyphonic voices instead?'
And also 'Can't have rests and note heads together on a stem', which makes
sense, because at those places the rests are printed over the notes, instead
of lowered under them.  Should I do this by hand?
And also 'Can not add text scripts to individual note heads', but that is
something I'll worry about later, when first the notes are at the right

Don't start trying to do things by hand. Instead, describe clearly to LilyPond what music structure you want, and LilyPond will be smart enough to fix (almost all of) the layout itself. So, if you have notes of different durations that should happen at the same time, they are musically not part of the same chord ( <...> in LilyPond notation), but they belong to different voices of the music. Then, input the music like <<{ upper voice of music} \\ { lower voice of music} >> and LilyPond will automatically avoid collisions, both between notes and between rests and notes (as long as they belong to different voices). Also, as Ferenc pointed out, LilyPond will follow standard notation practice so that stems, slurs and so on point upwards for the upper voice and downwards for the lower voice.

Well ok, I'll keep meddling and see what comes out...

Good luck!

Thanks.  H.


Since you apply the settings to a specific Staff context, you have to
put the lines within that Staff. So, write it at the same place as you
have some actual music that appears within the Staff.

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