
THANK YOU for responding. In fact in the meantime I made 
it work already by actually re-loading and following 
instructions (duh) so I thought I would share the knowledge
based on my apparent mistake.

I failed the first time to make a proper download because 
I was misled(?) by the following statement: "If you are not 
100% exactly sure of what you're doing, then just click 
"Next""  which appears in the installations/instructions

This statement made me to click 'next' without looking for 
and selecting the lilypond package. I guess I assumed that
the 'default' words seen in the long list of packages,
mean 'whatever necessary components they are, they will be
downloaded as "default" action'. I guess all complaints
about lilypond not working on Windows XP, are caused by 
this fact that people actually skip this step, i.e. the step 
of clicking '+' in front of Publishing--Default, and then 
clicking 'Skip' in front of lilypond package name (which 
marks for download this and several other associated 
components in the list).
Once this is done, it takes hours to download but the current
version seems to be working fine with Windows XP.

So, yes, it DOES work now: typing in the cygwin window
"lilypond -v" returns "lilypond (GNU LilyPond)
And double-clicking a file name such as does 
produce a set of output files (pdf, dvi, ps, log).
The pdf looks great in Acrobat Reader and is printable
on my HP672C printer. Btw, that file can be
located on the desktop, or somwhere in a folder on 
the harddrive: it works either way -- the output files
are placed next to where the is located.

Once again, thanks for readiness to help.

----- Original Message -----
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2004 16:59:54 +0200
To: Janusz Szafruga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: help requested!

> You may have been hit by a bug that causes problems if the
> directory path of your file has spaces in it (such as
> C:\Documents and settings\...). One solution is to wait
> a day or so for version 2.2.2 of lilypond to appear on the
> Cygwin mirrors (then you can just rerun setup.exe to get
> the new version) or you could fix the problem yourself as
> described in

>     /Mats
> Janusz Szafruga wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I think I followed instructions given in page
> >
> > 
> > I did the download of LilyPond and got through installation.
> > Then I downloaded the file.
> > But double-clicking the icon on the desktop 
> > does not produce the desired test.pdf file. (the entire
> > outcome of double-clicking the name is that
> > something -- like a rectangular window -- blinks on
> > the screen for a moment. That's it.)
> > 
> > The computer is a 2 year old compaq running 
> > Windows XP Home Edition, with 512 MB memory and 60 or so GB
> > hard drive, so plenty of room.
> > 
> > So what should I do to make it work? (I mean how can I
> > a pdf output from a ly script file in this environment?) 
> > Any suggestion would be helpful. Thanks,
> > Janusz
> > 
> -- 
> =============================================
>       Mats Bengtsson
>       Signal Processing
>       Signals, Sensors and Systems
>       Royal Institute of Technology
>       SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
>       Sweden
>       Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
>          Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
>       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>       WWW:
> =============================================

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