It's impossible to run your example since it contains a number of definitions that we don't have. Wait a second, you are working on the example, but there are lots of macros that I still don't have defined. Please, send a complete example the next time, it will increase the chance of a quick response.
Why don't you use the \repeat volta 2{...} syntax for repeats? They will give you the correct repeat bar lines for free. However, if you want to do it manually, think of what it would look like if the repeat appeared in the middle of a line. In that case, you would want a :|:, right? LilyPond is smart enough to know that a :|: should be broken into a :| followed by a |: if it occurs at a line break, so you can simply say \bar ":|:" \break.
Jim Sabatke wrote:
Probably doing something dumb, but the end of the following source does not break to a new line. It prints the grace notes from the next line and then ends the line:
lilypond 2.2.1
\score { \notes { \time 4/4 \tieUp \stemDown \slurUp \key d \major \relative c' \transpose c c' { #(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'length 6) #(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Beam 'thickness 0.22) #(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Beam 'damping 2) #(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'thickness 1.0) \override Script #'padding = #3 #(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'thickness 1.0)
\partial 64*8
a'8 |
\noBreak %% END_BAR Line: 1 Bar: 1
\bar "|:" %% START_REPEAT_BAR B
\hdbe e'8.[ cis'16 ] \gg a8.[ \dg cis'16 ] \gg e'8.[ fis'16 ] \dbe e'8.[ cis'16 ] |
\noBreak %% END_BAR Line: 1 Bar: 2
\dbe e'8.[ cis'16 ] \gg a8.[ \dg cis'16 ] \dbha a'8.[ g'16 ] \tg fis'16[ a'8. ] |
\noBreak %% END_BAR Line: 1 Bar: 3
\hdbe e'8.[ cis'16 ] \gg a8.[ \dg cis'16 ] \gg e'8.[ fis'16 ] \dbe e'8.[ cis'16 ] |
\noBreak %% END_BAR Line: 1 Bar: 4
\thrd d'8.[ b16 ] \gg g8.[ \dg b16 ] \dbhg g'4 \tg fis'16[ a'8. ]
%% this is not printed ==>>> \bar ":|"
\break %% END_REPEAT_I End Line: 1 Bar: 5
%% this is printed twice: at the end of the first line, and the beginning of the second line:
\bar "|:" %% START_REPEAT_BAR B
%% this is printed at the end of the first line, after the "|:" that shouldn't be on the first line
\hdbe e'8.[ a'16 ] \hstc cis'16[ a'8. ] \hdbe e'8.[ a16 ]
-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: =============================================
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