I hope you don't expect the unstable development version 2.3.3
to work correctly in all aspects, especially not when it comes to
page layout which is subject to heavy reorganization for the moment.
If I were you, I would revert back to 2.2.2 for any serious typesetting
and wait for 2.3.x to stabilize. If you want to help the developers
by pointing out errors, it's probably easier to start from smaller
examples first.

You talk about messy parameter settings. I would probably try to
comment out as many of the property settings as possible and start
all over from the default layout. Then, you can add some settings
at a time if necessary.


Citerar Will Oram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I just made the jump from 2.2.2 to 2.3.3.
> Before, my orchestral score was looking fine on PDF. As many staves
> that could fit on one page without feeling cramped, were put on one
> page. With 2.3, there is an EXTREME case of staves overlapping. The way
> it looks now, the upper quarter of page 1 is cut off, page 2 overlaps
> the last half of page 1, and so on.
> My parameter settings are a mess -- it was just luck I got it to look
> right in < 2.2, probably -- so it's probably my fault. Does anyone have
> any suggestions as to what I should tweak first to get the score back
> to normal?
> Best,
> Will Oram // Genius @ Large // AIM spamguy21
> spamguy (at) foxchange (dot) com // wro1 (at) cwru (dot) edu
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