On Monday May 24 2004 05:13, Joerg Anders wrote:
> Hi all!
> Please excuse a rather music theoretical question:
> Is it possible a triplet oversteps the measure end ?
> Regard this example:
>  \notes\relative c' {
>      \clef violin
>      \time 4/4
>      g'8 b2 \times 2/3 { g4 a b  } f8 g2.
>  }
> It were nice if anybody could say: "Very seldom, practically never".
> Otherwise the question is: How to place the the bar line
> 1/24 after starting the b. Such a way ? :
>    \notes\relative c' {
>       \clef violin
>       \time 4/4
>       g'8 b2 \times 2/3 { g4 a b16 ~ |  b8.} a8 g2.
>    }
> Ok, LilyPond draws a triplet bracket over the measure end to solve
> this problem. But I hope this is a compromise solution and actually
> not allowed.(?)

I haven't ever seen, or heard of, triplets going over a bar line (except when 
I got Lilypond to do it on my school assignment by mistake). The bracket over 
the barline isn't correct, and I don't think many people would easily 
understand a corrected form of the triplet placed over the barline. Changing 
time signatures is probably what should be done if you are writing music and 
it has gotten to that point. In the meantime, is this intentional or a bug 
(and does anyone have examples of it in music)?

Ed Sutton

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