In case anybody is interested I have managed to solve the problem I posed a few days ago with reference to the "" example. This produces exactly what I wanted. A cut down version is:
% Generated by lilypond-book % Options: [printfilename,texidoc,linewidth] \paper { linewidth = 160 \mm } \renameinput "" \version "2.0.1" \header{ texidoc=" Hymn sample with guitar chords, intro, chorus & multiple verses " } intro = \notes\relative c'' { g4 a b c } introchords = \chords { g2 c2 } introwords = \lyrics { _ _ _ _ } chorus = \notes\relative c'' { d4 c b a } choruschords = \chords { d2 g2 } choruswords = \lyrics { a nice chor -- us } verse = \notes\relative c'' { g4 b a g } versechords = \chords { g2 d2 } vonewords = \lyrics { the verse one words } vtwowords = \lyrics { words for verse two } vthreewords = \lyrics { some more third words } \score { << \context ChordNames { \introchords \choruschords \versechords } \addlyrics \context Staff = one { \intro \chorus \verse } \context Lyrics \lyrics { \introwords \choruswords \repeat fold 3 { } \alternative { { \vonewords } { \vtwowords } { \vthreewords } } } >> \paper{ raggedright = ##t } } {Original question} I have a hymn that I wish to reproduce with all verses under the melody and guitar chords above. The problem is that the hymn starts with an introduction, so no lyrics there, only guitar chords. Then there is the chorus which has one lyric line, melody and guitar chords, Finaly the four verses themselves. Can anybody tell me how to construct the \score to achieve the layout described above. that is, introduction (no lyrics), chorus (one lyric line), and then verses (4 lyric lines). Thanks Keith Dunsire _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]