
I entered my first piece of music with Lilypond....and I am really

After trying several other notation software I feel real happy with

Thanks to all authors for developing such a nice piece of software!

I have a newbie question: in the attached scores the accent on the
first g has a collision with the tempo text, and the slurs in measure
3 and 7 hit the b sign.

How can I adjust the tempo text and the slurs (i. e. put them

There are some other collisions with articulation signs and slurs but
I think that it is quite difficult to optimize slurs.

But the tempo- and the slur/b-stuff described above are not so nice.



\header {
  title = "Bb Blues"
  subtitle = "(\"Shuffle-Time\")"
  composer = "James Aebersold"
  pagenumber = "no"

\version "2.2.0"
\include "deutsch.ly"

\score {
  \notes {
    \clef treble
    \time 4/4
    \tempo 4 = 88
    \partial 4 g''4-^

    \repeat volta 2 {

      \relative g'' {
        c2.( \< c8) \! a8(
        g8)  c,8-> r4 r4 r8 fis8(
        g8.) g16( a8.) g16( b8) a4-.  g8->(
        g2.) \breathe g4-^

      \relative g'' {
        c2.( \< c8) \! a8(
        g8)  c,8-> r4 r4 r8 a'8(
        g8.) g16( a8.) g16( b8) a4-.  g8->(
        g2.) r4
        r8 g8( h8.) c16( d8) g,8-> r4
        r8 f8( a8.) b16( c8) f,8-> r4
        g8.-- g16( a8.) g16( b8) a4-. g8(
        g2)-> r4 g4-^

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