Go to www.lilypond.org, click on "About" and then on the mailing list archives for lilypond-user and search for "circled number" to see some solutions and previous discussion on exactly this topic.
Geoffrey Lassner wrote:
This is most certainly a low priority request. In classical guitar music there is a notation that it used to represent which string a
note should be played on. In most music that I have seen this is
represented by a number 1-6 with a circle around it. Currently
I can use a box and with a little explaination most people understand it:
fs^3_\markup { \box \column < 2 >}
(the number 3 above the F sharp would be the left hand fingering.)
Would it be possible to make it so that a circle also works in \markup?
fs^3_\markup { \circle \column < 2 >}
Since we can use boxes for now this is definately a low priority but it would certainly be a nice thing to have...
Also I am not on the mailing list so please CC me on any responses to this.
Thanks, Geoffrey
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