Please, pretty please, could somebody comment on this?  I'm
out of my wits...

Ferenc Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I can't make the first staff disappear from the second line
> of this score, although it's empty.  Were the lyrics one
> syllabe shorter, it would go.  Can anybody suggest a solution?
> Also, I'm not sure what I'm doing when I use << >> inside a 
> Voice context.  I'd like to build chords and it seems to
> work, but is it what really happens?
> Thanks,
> Feri.

\version "2.2.1"

\include ""

global = \notes {
    \key g\major
    \time 4/4

sopr = \notes \relative c'' {
    \clef violin
    a8 a a a c4 h8 a | a2 r2

alto = \notes \relative c' {
    e8 e e e d4 d8 d | e2 r2

bass = \notes \relative c' {
    a8 a a a a4 a8 a | a2 r2

lyr = \lyrics {
    Ve- ni Cre- a- tor Spi- ri- tus!

soprsolo = \notes \relative c'' {
    \clef violin
    a2 d8 c4 h8 a4 a4 r2
    e'2 d8 d c d e2 r
    e2 \times 2/3 { fis4 e d } e4 e r2
    e2 d4 c8 d e2 r
    e2 d4 c8( h) a2 r2

\score {
        \context Staff = "choir"
            \context Voice = "global" \global
            \context Voice = "choir" \repeat unfold 2
            << \sopr \alto \bass >>
            \context Lyrics \repeat unfold 2 \lyricsto "choir" \lyr
        \context Staff = "solo"
            \context Voice = "solo" {

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