Hello, In the following fragment the last tied A flat in the top voice is played by midi. It works fine if I leave out the bottom voice, or take away the first bar. It also worked under 2.0. (I just upgraded to 2.2.) Can anyone help me with this?
----------------------------------------------------------- upperNotes = \notes{ << \relative e'''{ es4. bes4. a4 as8 ~ as4. ~ as4. ~ as4. }\\ \relative d''{ d4 g8 ~ g4 c,8 ~ c4 cis8 ~ cis4. e4 f,8 des'4 c8 ~ c4. } >> } \score{ \new Staff { << \time 12/8 \clef violin \upperNotes >> } \midi {\tempo 4 . = 140} \paper{} } ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Richard Froese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user