Thank you for your reply. I'm very appreciative of the work which has gone into lilypond to make it so flexible, and of the kindness of those on the list to beginners such as I.
On Apr 13, 2004, at 7:12 PM, Roland Goretzki wrote:
Hello list, hello Stan,
You wrote:
In the attached example, eighth rests collide with note stems. I'd appreciate suggestions about how to make it look better.
The code for the measure(s) is
<bf bf'>8 | <<{d8\rest <d f>[ c8\rest <c e>]}\\{<a a'>4 <g g'>}>> | %%% measure 86 <f f'>8
Give the following line just before the rest:
\once\override Score.Rest #'extra-offset = #'(.3 . .3)
If You don't want to type this line before each rest, You can stroke the
\override Score.Rest #'extra-offset = #'(.3 . .3)
But this will work on each rest in the whole Score.
So, if You have only many rests to shift with the same numbers, and in
this area is no other rest, You can take the second line, and after this
area You have to give the line
\revert Score.Rest #'extra-offset
so that the following rests are not shifted.
In Your little example it will look as follows:
\override Score.Rest #'extra-offset = #'(.3 . .3) <<{d8\rest <d f>[ c8\rest <c e>]}\\{<a a'>4 <g g'>}>> |
The \rest coding was used to bring the rests down from the note heads.
In case of only one rest-shifting this would not be necessary, You could
shift it as follows:
\once\override Score.Rest #'extra-offset = #'(.3 . -4.1) <<{r8 <d f>[ c8\rest <c e>]}\\{<a a'>4 <g g'>}>> |
But if there are many rest-shifings like this, the \rest coding is to
prefer, because of the shifting with \override Score.Rest is relative to
the given note\rest, otherwise the rest's vertical position is
orientated to the note before, and it would be too complicated to set
each different numbers of shifting.
I think, this will help You. :)
Best Regards Roland
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