On Tuesday 13 April 2004 01:21, Gunther Strube wrote:
> Hi,
> >What is the difference with an arpeggio with a direction?  Have you
> > seen:
> >
> >  
> > http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.2/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypon
> >d/Arpeggio.html
> >
> >I cannot find Rasgueado in the music glossary.
> That's it!
> I forgot that it was used as arpeggio notation for piano.

The arrows are also sometimes used to indicate how to play a chord on
monophonic instruments, and the arpeggio notation sometimes has an
arrowhead too.

It would be very unfortunate to treat these like grace notes in midi,
because the last chord or note should be accented, not the first.  It
would be better yet to be able to choose between the two behaviors, but
almost always other music, such as Mozart's "Alla Turca", should be
performed the same way, toward the beat.  If you don't believe me, try

> (beginning with ring-finger and ending with the
> thumb)- in other words the Rasgueado...

Ending with the index.  The thumb down (up arrow) in this circumstance
might very rarely be found on the last chord of a piece, never anywhere

The standard notation is so bad (too many vertical lines) that you might
take a look at tengtr.pdf on my website.  My way is easier to note and
much easier to read.  daveA

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