You have already sent some emails related to this topic and we have
tried to point out some solutions to some problems.
I'm not sure how far you have got now and exactly what problems you
are facing at the moment.

If you again send an example file (preferably a complete example
file, though as short as possible) and point out what problems you
see with your current attempt. Also, don't forget to tell us what
LilyPond version you are using for the moment. Of course, the
recommended version now is the recently released version 2.2.

I don't really see why you would want to attach a 'Coda' or 'DS al Coda'
to a multimeasure rest. Logically, it should always belong to a bar
line, right?


chip wrote:
Okay, so I've been working with this program for a few months now, the one area I am still struggling with is in placing text in the correct spot. When I can attach the \markup to a note, no problem. But I have come across many times where I have to attach text to a multimeasure rest, followed by a double-bar line, and another multimeasure rest. The text in this case is usually DS (or DC) Al Coda. Then that same bit would be followed by the coda which starts with a multimeasure rest. So then I have to attach the Coda sign to a mm rest.
For some doggone reason I just have the hardest time getting that bit of text placed properly. I have spent literally hours messing with just one bit of text, while the entire piece takes about a half hour to type in.
I would also like to seperate the end of the 'regular' song and the beginning of the coda with some empty staff or start the coda on a new staff. So far all I've been able to do is use a skip bar between the two sections.

Could someone please clear me up on just what is the best practices in handling this type of text placement?
BTW, I am using v2.0.3 on FreeBSD.


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