On Tuesday March 23 2004 07:01, KEVIN ZEMBOWER wrote:
> Kieren and Erik, thank you for your kind and quick answers. I'll look
> forward to v2.3 which might contain this solution, and volunteer to be a
> beta site to test the web functionality.
> Thanks, again.
> -Kevin
> >>> Kieren Richard MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/22/04
> >>> 05:40PM >>>
> Hello, Kevin:
> > Please entertain a question from a newbie who just joined the list
> > this morning.
> Welcome!
> > I wondered why there isn't a publicly accessible Lilypond server
> I've been toying with this concept, but haven't yet given it the
> serious thought it would require (q.v., security, file size, etc.). If
> my time ever becomes "spare", this may be something I "donate" to the
> community...
> Anyone else out there already working on or thinking about this?

  With putty+ssh and also ftp, I use my pc as a server for my lilypond work 
remorely (among other things). Excluding that the computers at my school are 
all around of poor value for my use, it works quite nice.
  O.K., you got me to think about it:
  Would it be best as part of lilypond (doesn't seem likely, and goes against 
original goal of keeping focused on being typesetting software and focusing 
to make that as best as it can be done),
  an external server that interfaces between the user and lilypond (might be 
less security bug prone due to lilypond errors alone. This is a lot like what 
putty does for me right now, except I handle file I/O through ftp...I haven't 
taken the time to figure out the ssh file transfer yet),
  or setting up an interface between a previously existing server and lilypond 
(this breaks many of my 'efficiency' beliefs, but it would be relatively fast 
and easy to implement the desired features).
  I'm happiest with lilypond staying local myself, and if I want it remotely, 
I access the remote one locally. If you don't want to install the program due 
to something about it seeming complicated (excluding source installs), you 
may want to doublecheck if you would want to use it too. If you still want it 
that badlymaking the sacrifice of the local install effort can hopefully be 
well worth the luxury of lilypond when u want it.
I'll stop thinking for now...
Ed Sutton

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