On Sunday March 21 2004 13:16, Roland Goretzki wrote:
> Hello list, hello Edward,
> You wrote:
> > On Sunday March 21 2004 10:09, Roland Goretzki wrote:
> > >     (Furthermore the most of these notes in my mind, but I think, that
> > >     it wouldn't be legal, if I would typeset it by my mind with some
> > >     correcting views to these editions, am I right?)
> >
> > If it is a derivation of a copyrighted work, it probably does break the
> > copyright holder's rights.
> I thougt so, either ... :-(
> > > To get a legal typesetting I need
> > >
> > >     1. An older Edition:
> > >        How can I get it?
> >
> > I've asked this myself; maybe placing the reply here would be useful
> > for you too.
> >
> > > [ ... long e-mail from Chris Sawer ... ]
> Thanks, a little bit ... :
> So I have to accumulate more energy to find out ...
> > >     2. The "placet" from one (or better all) of these three editions:
> > >        How can I get this?
> >
> > Someone else want to fill in; I don't follow the question. =/
> "placet": I didn't find a good english word in this context, sorry.
> In other words and with more information:
> Chris Sawer itself par example did typeset the music piece "Für Elise"
> from L. v. Beethoven, and in the lilypond source file he marked the
> source of the music piece with:
>     source = "Henle Urtext"

If Chris legally typeset the piece into public domain, he should have either 
found it to be out of copyright, or have acquired permission to typeset it 
into public domain. He would know what he found for why he typeset it; I 
don't know what his reasoning would have been.

> So, if I correctly understand the explaining on the "mutopia Legal
> Issues", this would break the rights of "Henle Urtext", if this edition
> wouldn't have allowed this typesetting especially.
> My question is, if there is a list with editions like "Henle Urtext",
> which did allow the typesetting by lilypond for the mutopia project, or
> if I've to ask in every case the editions case by case, if they allow me
> to do so.

I wouldn't know without asking Henle (the holder of the copyright right?), who 
could probably answer about any pieces of theirs you ask about.

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