The Postscript code used to draw the beams, just specifies a rectangle with straight lines between the corners, so the jagged look all depends on what you have done to the file and how you view it.
I assume that you refer to what the score looks like when you view a PDF version of it with Acrobat. Unfortunately, the only solution I know of is to change a setting in Acrobat. In Edit-Preferences-General, you can click at "Smooth line art" (the options may look different your Acrobat version) to get nice smooth beams also on screen.
If you are talking about PNG files, try a higher resolution.
Doug Asherman wrote:
This may not be a lilypond issue, but I'm asking the list anyway.
I've been asked to provide online samples with "smoother" beams; the complaint is that the sloped beams are jagged-looking (even though they look fine when they're printed out).
Is there a tweak that will make the beams a little less jagged? Would this entail picking up new fonts (or making new fonts)?
Thanks for any help.
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