% the feta characters \input feta20
\global\font\fetasixteen = feta16 \gdef\fetafont{\fetasixteen} \gdef\fetachar#1{\hbox{\fetasixteen#1}}
Graham Percival wrote:
How does one use feta characters inside LaTeX (as part of lilypond-book)? I'd like to include some performance notes, including segno and flat. If I was doing it inside a lilypond header, I know I could do \fetachar\fetasegno and \fetachar\fetaflat, but when I try that within the LaTeX portion of the lilypond-book file, it complains about
... ! Undefined control sequence. l.26 \fetachar \fetasegno ? q
(to be more exact, this error occurs when I run "latex foo.latex", after I've successfully run "lilypond-book foo.tex", on OSX 10.3 with LilyPond 2.0.1)
I'm guessing that I'm missing something simple here, but I can't find the proper command.
- Graham
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