I tried sending this earlier and I didn't see it in the digest, so here it is again, just in case:
I'd like you guys' input on a couple of difficulties I'm having with my first jazz lead sheet. The source code is included below. First, however, my questions: 1. While rendering, Lilypond reports: "programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; decreasing blot (Continuing; cross thumbs)." What does this mean? 2. Perhaps related to the first question: After rendering, chord slashes appear to have a little tail. How do I get rid of it? 3. How can I include a transposed series of lead sheet chords above the second of the two staves? 4. Finally, if anyone is willing to critique my overall form and syntax I'd greatly appreciate it. It is my guess that a lack of knowledge of Lilypond syntax is causing my difficulties. Furthermore, any hints regarding optimization and legibility would be very welcome. Here's the score (piece copyright 2003, S. Lyle Raymond): %% MONKEYSTUMP, THE DRIFTER %% %% S. Lyle Raymond, composer %% \header { title = "Monkeystump, the Drifter" composer = "S L Raymond" pagenumber = "no" tagline = " " } \score { \notes << \context ChordNames \chords {r1 d:7 r r r c:7 r r b:9+ a:7 g:7 f:7 es:7} \new Staff \relative d'' { \property Staff.instrument = #"Tenor Sax" \key d \major \time 4/4 \clef treble \skip 2 a8 c e d \repeat volta 2 { r1 r2 r4 b'4 c8 dis,8 e g b a r8 fis r8 g,4. bes4 d8 c~ c1 r2 r8 e8 g a bes a g f e d r8 g~ g4 r4 d8 c b a r8 \property Voice.TextScript\override #'padding = #2.5 a_\markup "Last Time: repeat final 4 bars" b c cis a' aes g~ g2 b,8 d g f~ f1~ f1 } } \new Staff{ \property Staff.instrument = #"Bass" \key c \major \clef bass \skip 2 r2 r8 c4.^\accent~ c2~ c1~ c1~ c2 r2 r4. bes,8^\accent~ bes,2~ bes,1~ bes,1 a,2 \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'slash \property Voice.Stem \override #'length = #0 d4 d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d \property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'style \property Voice.Stem \revert #'length } >> \paper {} _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user