On Sunday 29 February 2004 16:37, Erik Sandberg wrote:
> > MK> c) reject every mail containing attachments other than .ly or .png.
> Hm.. but this will not help once there are worms based on .ly :)

This will only be a problem if using .ly or .png automatically invokes a 
program that the worm can exploit (to propogate itself).

Many users, especially those with Outlook, simply have .zip, .exe, .pif, .bat 
and .scr files automatically opened on receipt of mail.  

> > * I just received a Bagle.C message apparently from me (well, from my
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] self) on the closed-post development list.  This happened
> > despite the fact that the list is closed-for-posting and I work on an
> > UltraSPARC machine where Microsoft software does not run.
> That's weird.. you mean that you were not infected by that worm? Then,
> where did those messages come from?

I have received some emails, supposedly from myself.  It's called spoofing - a 
form of electronic impersonation (or identity theft).

Nothing wierd about it.  The program opened reads the user's address book, 
composes a new email to random people on the address book and make them 
appear to be from other random people from te address book.  

As far as I know, this can happen easily in Outlook and a few other MS-based 
mail programs.  As far as I know it does not happen if a) you don't open the 
attachmenyt or b) you use a unix/linux mail client.

> > * The specific suggestion to block ZIP files will close the current
> > pathway by which some requests for help are sent.  The standard response
> > to a user whose message has been blocked because it is too large is to
> > suggest that she or he ZIP the file demonstrating the problem and send
> > it as an attachment.  Are we, as a group, ready to say to someone needing
> > help "You need to reduce your problem to one that will fit into XXX
> > bytes"?

Does the Lilypond Wiki support uploads?  If so, then use that as a method to 
post support filers and block ALL attachments to this group/list.

> (and yes, I know Han-Wen and Jan have better things to spend their time on
> than approving messages.. but I'm sure there's some person on the list
> willing to act as a co-moderator)


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