> Hi !
> I upgraded to cygwin 2.1.18 yesterday, and experienced two problems:
> -  \autochange does not seem to work as well as it used to be.
>     I guess I did something wrong. Here is my PianoStaff:

> solo = \context PianoStaff = solo <<
>         \property Staff.midiInstrument="vibraphone"
>       \context Staff=up { 
>            \property Staff.midiInstrument="vibraphone"
>           \context Voice=foo{
>              \notes { \time 4/4  \key b \minor }
>               \voiceOne
>               \HighSoloNotes
>           }
>       }
>       \context Staff=down {
>             \property Staff.midiInstrument="vibraphone"
>            \notes { \time 4/4  \key b \minor }
>           \clef bass
>           \autochange \context Voice = bar {\LowSoloNotes}
>       }
>     >>

Can you send me a example that I can try for myself? 

> - MIDI file generation crashes with a stack trace (the log is given below)
>   I tried to simplify a number of things, assuming that this might be due
>   to excessively complex data structure, but it did not help. 



 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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