Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:


Mats Bengtsson wrote:

his problem is described under "Bugs" at

Thank you so much. I'll try it when I get these parts out with 2.1.14

I don't think this is the problem: all the objects are tuned only once.

It's still broken with \set instead of \override. The attached file produces the same results with 2.1.17 as before.

Also there is again no space after a key signature unless there is a time signature. This doesn't look very good and can be confusing to read. I'm back to 2.1.14 until I have workarounds or until it's fixed.

As always thanks for all of your great work here,


\include "english.ly"
\include "../textpad.ly"

dyviiicom = \notes {
    \time 2/2 s1*18 \bar "||" \time 3/2 s2*3 \bar "||"
    \time 2/2 s1*2 \bar "||" 

fliviii = \notes\relative c'' {
    %#(textPad 2.5)
    \property Voice.TextScript \set #'padding = #2.5
    << { s1^\markup\large\bold{ To Flute } } R1 >>
    \repeat unfold 2 { R1*2 ef4 ef ef ef d8 d d4 ef2 } %30
    \acciaccatura{ d8 } ef1~ ef2~ ef4 r R1*2
    \acciaccatura{ d8 } ef1~ ef2. r4 

\score {
        \property Score.skipBars = ##t
        \property Score.MultiMeasureRest \set #'expand-limit = #1
        \property Score.MultiMeasureRestNumber \set #'padding = #0
        \context Staff = flute { \notes R1 \fliviii } 
    \paper { \translator { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } }
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