I have the stanza numbers working in 2.1.11.  I added a line to move the 
self-alignment-Y as suggested to get them to line up with the lyrics.  Thanks.

\score {
       <<        \notes \relative c'' \context Voice = duet { \time 3/4
          g2 e4 \break a2 f4 g2.  }

       \lyrics << \lyricsto "duet" \new LyricsVoice {
                \property LyricsVoice . InstrumentName \set #'self-alignment-Y = #-1
                \property LyricsVoice . InstrumentName \override #'break-align-symbol 
= #'Time_signature
%               \property LyricsVoice . InstrumentName \override #'break-align-symbol 
= #'begin-of-note
                \property LyricsVoice . instrument = "1."
                \property LyricsVoice . instr = "1."
         Hi, my name is bert. }
       \lyricsto "duet" \new LyricsVoice {
                \property LyricsVoice . InstrumentName \set #'self-alignment-Y = #-1
                \property LyricsVoice . InstrumentName \override #'break-align-symbol 
= #'Time_signature
%               \property LyricsVoice . InstrumentName \override #'break-align-symbol 
= #'begin-of-note
                \property LyricsVoice . instrument = "2."
                \property LyricsVoice . instr = "2."
         Ooooo, ch\'e -- ri, je t'aime. }
       >> >>

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