For the moment, you may be lucky enough that the following works (depends on what special characters you use): \lyrics{ \property Lyrics . LyricText \set #'font-name = #'"ecrm1000" The actual lyrics ... }
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The problem is that lilypond-book runs latex directly on the lily-*.tex file from lilypond-bin, which doesn't give the same LaTeX preamble as when you use the lilypond script. In particular, it doesn't include \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
Would anything break if we just add this line to the LaTeX preamble lines in tex/lilyponddefs.tex? Otherwise, that would be the simple solution.
Hmm, I see a possible problem for people that already fiddle with the font settings to be able to typeset non-european lyrics and therefore don't want to use latin1 input encoding.
John Williams wrote:
I am using lilypond book on an html file with latin1 characters in the lyrics (umlauts, etc). The latin1 characters are omitted from the output.
I see a few posts about this problem on the lists, but they all seem to assume a latex source file instead of html. Does anyone know of a solution for this with an html source file?
~ John Williams
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