On Thursday 22 January 2004 00:31, Ray McKinney wrote:
> I've attached a small PNG file to illustrate something similar to my
> situation. Here is the source for it:
>   \notes { \time 3/4 << <f' g'>4 \\ b4 >> <g' e' c' g>2 }
> What I want to do is, keeping the stem layout in the example, tie the
> top G between the chords.

There's something you're not saying.  If you want two parts,
just put all the other notes stems down in one voice and the
top G's in another voice stems up.  What you have is one chord in
two parts and the next in one.  To get the 2nd chord into two
parts with two stems up, (why?) you need to shift the lower
stem horizontally to the right.  If that messes the dots up,
it's a bug.  A workaround is to use ties instead of dots.
> I know the answer for creating ties into/out of chords is to use
> multiple voices, and I've done that successfully in all other cases
> I've encountered. But this situation raises the problem of notehead
> placement for the F and G. I'm assuming I'll need to manually shift
> the G to the right and hide its stem.

If you put the F into the lower part, where it seems to belong,
the G will be on the left, where it will belong.  Why isn't the
top G a semibreve, so you wouldn't have any ties at all?

> I think I can do this given
> enough time in the manual/regression tests/list archives and some
> trial and error. Before I do that, I'd like guidance. Is it the best
> way? If I shift the G, will I have to manually tweak the start point
> of the tie, too?
> Breaking the second chord causes a few problems, too. I'm assuming I
> need to use two voices -  g'2 and \stemUp <e' c' g>2. This causes
> stem clashes and lilypond complains. Is this the best way?

No, because if you want two parts with stems up, one of the stems has to
be shifted so they will not coincide.

> Finally, something not in the example is the second chord in my real
> piece is a dotted half. Doing \stemUp on notes that originally had
> stems down leaves the dots in stems-down position. Is there an easy
> way to shift the dots up I'm missing, or do I need to just manually
> move their position?

\dotsDown and \dotsUp still work, I hope.
> I'm not necessarily asking for someone to give me the code to do
> this, but I am seeking guidance or reassurance that I'm on the right
> track from those of you with much more experience.

I can't help feeling that you've left something out of the question,
but I hope the answers are close enough.  daveA

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D. Raleigh Arnold dra@ (http://www.) openguitar.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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