Hello all,

I had two suggestions to correct my problem, and both worked, although differently.  
Matt's suggestion:

>\property Score.melismaBusyProperties = #'()

meant that I had to add '-' in my lyrics behind syllables where I wanted the notes to 
be slurred.  I also had to add numerical counts to the first bar of lyrics, so after 
each syllable, I had to do:

Je-8 sus8 bids8 us8 shine4 

Just that far, not for the rest of the verse.  But I had to do it for all of the 

The second suggestion from Joerg:

... please remove the

   \property Voice.autoBeaming = ##f

worked such that I didn't have to add the '-' after syllables where the notes were 
slurred, but still had to have the numeric counts after the syllables in the first bar 
of the lyrics.

Anyway around that irritating feature?


>Suzanne E. Blatt wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I just rebuilt my NoteEdit and Lilypond 2.0.2 on SUSE 9 after having some problems 
>> getting it running.  Now it runs, BUT ! my lyrics are stuck on the quarter beat of 
>> my 4/4 bars.  I have eigth notes which are not getting their lyric attached to them 
>> properly. I haven't found anything in the code that differs from the examples I 
>> looked at, and I even tried adding the 'count' to the lyrics and that changed 
>> nothing.  I've attached the code and if anyone can point me in the right direction, 
>> that would be great!
>> Thanks,
>> Suzanne
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