On Thursday 15 January 2004 14:49, Kieren Richard MacMillan wrote:
> Hello, Mats:
> > Amazing how often one and the same question pops up several times
> > during the same week. Did you see the following mail (with
> > followups)?
> > http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2004-01/msg00338.htm
> >l
> Actually, if you read closely, I believe Nick is asking something
> slightly different from what was discussed in the post(s) you're
> referencing...
> Correct me if I'm wrong, Nick, but you were asking if the SOURCE
> (.ly) file can be [re-]arranged by a specified number of measures (of
> "source code") per line, not that the OUTPUT (.ps/.pdf) file has line
> breaks appropriately -- basically, a "pretty-printer", but
> measure-aware (!!).
> I have been considering a solution and will build a prototype in
> AppleScript to test my algorithm; if it's clean, I'll try to port it
> to a *nix shell script.

I did something similar in sly-tidy, in sly.txt on my website.  I
was interested in vertical alignment of field separators instead
of bars, but you should probably do alignment as well as get a certain
number of bars per line.

The thing would probably be easier in Python, and trust me, it
would be worth the stretch.  daveA

Failure is certain when you fail to identify your enemy and invade the
wrong country.  Our troops defend the enemy and weaken our country by
making new enemies and fighting them instead.  Thus, our "leaders" give
our terrorist enemies aid and comfort for a pittance of Arab oil money.
D. Raleigh Arnold dra@ (http://www.) openguitar.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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