hi kieren,

> a. Cue notes are "presentation" information, really (mostly!?), as they
> would exist in a part but not necessarily in a score -- how best to
> include them?
> b. Certain tweaks might be dependent upon layout (e.g., line breaks
> might affect placement, voice combinations would affect articulation
> tweaks, etc.) -- how best to apply tweaks differentially?
> c. etc.??

have you looked at the section "Different Editions from one score" in the
manual. this is especially designed for cue notes, by my way of thinking.
it involves a little bit more work, but i've used it once or twice in
scores, and it is a lot better than the previous way of doing things
(write two parts, one with the cue in and one for the score).

i'm not sure if you can use this tagging scheme for tweaks, but it does
work for articulations. there used to be a way of removing line-breaks
from a score by redefining break in the score file. that was for version
1.4 so i'm not sure if the tweak will still work (plus i can't remember it
off the top of my head and have archived the data at home). you might be
able to remove BreakEvents from the score translator, however, and thus
deactivate all manual breaks.

hope that helps in some small way.


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