Yes, and with lilypond 2.1 it would even look better! (The space following the barlines is a tad on the large side.)
That was going to be one of my manual tweaks (in Illustrator), but I'm hoping to install 2.1.x soon so that effort can be avoided... On that note, thank you all for not stopping at "better than everyone else"! =)
On another note, is it possible/desirable to make the bar line a "sync point" of sorts (the way that notes are now)? That way, two of my recent issues are solved (along with many I can imagine cropping up in the future): the centered object (e.g., coda sign) and the hairpin-to-barline.
The syntax could be something like:
a4 b c\> d |\!
Just a thought.
Best regards, Kieren.
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