Hi again,

I mentioned that in the tremolo example the

\repeat "tremolo" 4 c16

doesn't work.

I made a simple file with one measure. I added the tremolo example from the doc page:

% Generated automatically by: lilypond-book.py
% options are filename=/home/hanwen/usr/src/savannah/lily/lilypond/input/template/melody.ly printfilename
\include "paper16.ly"
\paper {
linewidth = 455.244096\pt
\version "1.9.8"

\header {
 texidoc = "Only a melody."

melody = \notes { a4 b c d|

\repeat "tremolo" 4 c16


\score { \context Staff \melody \paper { } \midi { } }

When I run lilypond on it I get:

/home/aamehl/asimple.ly:18:23: warning: Chord tremolo with 1 elements. Must have two elements.:
{ \repeat "tremolo" 4 c16

Whats up

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