
In the following source I'm having a problem with lyrics lining up with the right notes. After "fear", which starts on an eighth note, I want to display an extender, but it isn't getting shown, which causes the rest of the lyrics to be off by one note. Here is the source. I'm using version 2.1.6 (because I heard that the lyrics alignment was improved).

title = "In the Midst of You"
composer = "D\&C 6:20-33"
\new Staff
\tiny { \tempo 4 = 84 }
\time 4/4
\key a \major
\relative c'
cis4 cis d8 d b b
cis4 cis8 d e4 fis4
} \\
a4 a a8 a gis gis
a4 a8 gis a4 a4
a2 gis2
\new Lyrics
There -- fore, doubt not, lit -- tle flock, fear __ not; do

            \new Staff
                \time 4/4
                \key a \major
                \clef bass
                        e4 e e8 e e e
                        e4 e8 e e4 d
                    } \\
                        a,4 a, b,8 b, d d
                        cis4 a,8 b, cis4 d

            \new PianoStaff
                \relative c'
                    \new Staff
                        \time 4/4
                        \key a \major
                        << { cis4 cis d8 d b b } \\
                           { a2. gis4 } >>

                \new Staff
                    \time 4/4
                    \key a \major
                    \clef bass
                    << { e1 } \\
                       { a,4 a, b,8 b, d d } >>
    \paper { }

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